Potential Declaration of Domestic Mobile and Fixed Termination Access Services

Public Inquiry

Official Notice: Public Notice - Public Inquiry DMFTAS

Type: pdf   Size: 386.74 KB  Uploaded: 25-Oct-2022

The National Information and Communications Technology Act 2009 (the Act) provides for NICTA to conduct public inquiries into whether or not particular wholesale services should be made ‘declared services’ by the Minister. An operator licensee that supplies a declared service must comply with particular non-discrimination obligations. The terms and conditions of supply of a declared service must be consistent with the general pricing principles specified in the Act and the service-specific principles that must be specified by NICTA for each declared service. NICTA may also be called upon to arbitrate a dispute between two operator licensees regarding the terms and conditions of supply of a declared service.

NICTA has decided to conduct a public inquiry to consider the declaration of the following wholesale telecommunications services:

  • Domestic Mobile Terminating Access Service (DMTAS) and
  • Domestic Fixed Terminating Access Service (DFTAS).

The terms of reference for this inquiry are provided at Attachment A.

As set out in this discussion paper, NICTA staff’s preliminary view is that DFTAS and DMTAS should be recommended to the Minister for declaration.

NICTA invites written comments in response to these preliminary conclusions.

The question that NICTA would encourage submissions to address in the case of each wholesale service is whether there is agreement or disagreement with the assessment that NICTA has made and the reasons for that view. In addition submissions might consider whether there are other wholesale services, or alternative wholesale service definitions, that NICTA should have considered and whether those services should be declared or not.

Submissions should be submitted via email to inquiry.submission@nicta.gov.pg and must be received by noon Friday 4th, November 2022.

Discussion Papers

Type: pdf   Size: 443.97 KB  Uploaded: 21-Oct-2022


Telikom Submission - 30 Nov 2022
Type: pdf   Size: 196.49 KB  Uploaded: 12-Dec-2022

Digicel PNG LTD Submission 30 Nov 2022
Type: pdf   Size: 955.97 KB  Uploaded: 12-Dec-2022

Vodafone PNG Submission
Type: pdf   Size: 2.68 MB  Uploaded: 12-Dec-2022


Digicel PNG LTD Cross-Submission DMFTAS
Type: pdf   Size: 299.02 KB  Uploaded: 10-Feb-2023


Recommendation Report - DFTAS & DMTAS
Type: pdf   Size: 1.92 MB  Uploaded: 21-May-2024

Media Statement

DMTAS & DFTAS Minister's Statement
Type: pdf   Size: 183.74 KB  Uploaded: 13-Dec-2023


Wholesale Service Declaration 1 of 2023
  • Domestic Mobile Terminating Access Service
  • Domestic Fixed Terminating Access Service
Type: pdf   Size: 150.13 KB  Uploaded: 23-Apr-2024


No. G981 - Wholesale Service Declaration No. 1 of 2023
  • Domestic Mobile Terminating Access Service
  • Domestic Fixed Terminating Access Service
Type: pdf   Size: 148.19 KB  Uploaded: 23-Apr-2024