60 GHz Band Plan Draft (2023)
The 60 GHz band refers to the radio frequency spectrum from 57 GHz to 71 GHz, and falls within the range of millimeter wave frequency […more]
The 60 GHz band refers to the radio frequency spectrum from 57 GHz to 71 GHz, and falls within the range of millimeter wave frequency […more]
Draft 2600 MHz Band Plan and Background paper, Draft 3500 MHz Band Plan for IMT and Background paper, Draft spectrum assignment and Licensing Methodology Consultative […more]
Closing Date: 21 – 02 – 2023 In accordance with section 219 and 229 of the National Information and Communications Technology Act, 2009 (“the Act”), […more]
Official Notice: The National Information and Communications Technology Act 2009 (the Act) provides for NICTA to conduct public inquiries into whether or not particular wholesale […more]
NICTA hereby informs all interested parties and stakeholders of the release of the Consultation Paper on Universal Access and Service (UAS) Strategic Plan 2023-2027 and […more]
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